
Neste Oyj has enhanced their profits while acknowledging the 4 pillars of sustainability. This was accomplished by creating original and sustainable practices within its company strategies, supply chain, and capability. The company adheres with most of the Global Reporting Initiative’s qualities but should elaborate on its drawbacks for a more impartial report. However, Neste Oyj manages consistently remain ahead its competitors by research and development, and implementation. The company believes its purpose is greater than only generating income or selling its products for the interest of the company. They use the income earned to invest in a better environment and evolving production in which leads to a healthier society. They acknowledge both societal value and financial value within the business. Consequent, Neste has become more innovative.

In short, Neste Oyj has enhanced their profits while acknowledging the 4 pillars of sustainability.

  • By creating original and sustainable practices within its company strategies, supply chain, and capability.

  • By creating and implementing the usage of MY Renewable Diesel Fuel.
  • By creating awareness through videos and advertisements.

  • All the while increasing their profitability over the past years.

They are rightfully placed as the third most sustainable company on the Global 100 List!

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