Maxim's Community Services

Elizabeth River Clean Up

For this project we had to do community service. I chose to volunteer to be apart of the Elizabeth River Clean Up event that took place on Thursday, April 18th, 2019. We were told that we had to meet at east campus, on the soccer field at 10:00 am. When I got there the lead volunteer provided me with all the tools I needed to collect the liter and garbage along the river’s edge. This event was organized by Maura De Palma a fellow volunteer like us to participate in the river clean up. Our mission was to collect all the garbage we could find near the river edge or even floating in the river if we see any.  

Around 30-40 students participated in the river clean up and had one common goal, to collect all the garbage we could find. When I was walking down the river I saw a lot of garbage around me so I started to collect plastic bottles and cans in one bag and all other garbage in another bag. I had two partners with who were helping me collecting all the trash in our section of the river. A lot of students were going into the river because they knew that a lot of garbage is in the river. Some students were provided with boots so they could get into the river. The time was going by so fast and before we knew it we had already three bags of garbage collected. The river already started looking a lot cleaner after just a couple of hours. 

After completing this community service I realized how many people are polluting our environment. Our planet needs us to be better and we have to take care of it by continuing to do all those community services. We also need to be smarter about how we get rid of our trash and to make sure the river doesn’t get polluted with trash again. I am definitely going to try to get involve in more volunteer clean up projects like this one and try to help mother nature in the future. 

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