Isa Wachira Community Service

                                                          HABITAT FOR HUMANITY 

I volunteered at habitat for humanity. Habitat for Humanity International was founded in 1976 by Millard and Linda Fuller. Today, Habitat for Humanity is a true world leader in addressing the issues of poverty housing. The concept that grew into Habitat for Humanity International was born at Koinonia Farm, a small, interracial, Christian community outside of Americus, Georgia. Koinonia Farm was founded in 1942 by farmer and biblical scholar Clarence Jordan. The houses would be built at no profit and interest would not be charged on the loans. Building costs would be financed by a revolving fund called “The Fund for Humanity. “The fund’s money would come from the new homeowners’ house payments, no-interest loans provided by supporters and money earned by fund-raising activities. The monies in the Fund for Humanity would be used to build more houses. I choose to volunteer for Habitat for Humanity because there are nearly 2 billion people around the world who live in slum housing and more than 100 million are homeless. While volunteering I built and renovating simple, decent houses with supervision from  partnership with those in need. Families left homeless by natural disasters, war and civil unrest often face dire housing situations as they struggle to rebuild their lives. We provide shelter and housing assistance to help these families recover. The reason I volunteered at Habitat for Humanity is because homelessness is a growing problem in the United States. As income inequality raises in the United States, homelessness as followed suite. Also, Studies show that volunteering releases tension. By helping others in need, you take the focus from your own problems, putting into perspective how precious having a healthy, fulfilled life really is. Many volunteers realize that, while not perfect, their life is a blessing to be celebrated every day. In my opinion, this is priceless.

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